The Lion King is an American animated feature film ahead of its Blu-ray debut Blu-ray 3-D on October 4 will again roar Lion King in theaters starting tomorrow to run for two weeks in digital 3D. A few weeks ago I caught a screening and left with mixed feelings.
Some scenes are, as you can imagine, a thrill to see additional dimension. But other words-game fall flat. Many are uncomfortable stuck in the middle. Some parameters of the lions' face seemed to have a papercraft bizarre to watch.
Then the Lion King made me not a fan of the 2-D to 3-D conversion process for traditionally animated films that I was very optimistic. This means that almost everything that is classic Disney films on the big screen again is a good thing.
But Disney would probably have been better resources,
devoted to the conversion of a jewel as Pixar Wall-E or Finding Nemo 3-D.
Some scenes are, as you can imagine, a thrill to see additional dimension. But other words-game fall flat. Many are uncomfortable stuck in the middle. Some parameters of the lions' face seemed to have a papercraft bizarre to watch.
Then the Lion King made me not a fan of the 2-D to 3-D conversion process for traditionally animated films that I was very optimistic. This means that almost everything that is classic Disney films on the big screen again is a good thing.
But Disney would probably have been better resources,
devoted to the conversion of a jewel as Pixar Wall-E or Finding Nemo 3-D.
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